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by mozi2 2022. 6. 17.

1. Identify the pod that has an initContainer configured.

# k get pods 
# k describe pod 

 : 상위 명령어를 검색하면 컨테이너에 대한 모든 정보를 확인 할 수 있음

 : 정답은 3중에 하나일 것이고,

 : 상위 명령어 검색시 red와 green 의 컨테이너는 확인 되지만 blue 는 확인 되지 않음.

A) blue


2. What is the image used by the initContainer on the blue pod?

# k describe pod blue 

A) busybox 


3. What is the state of the initContainer on pod blue

# k describe pod blue

 A) Running 


4. Why is the initContainer terminated? What is the reason?

A) The process completed successfully


5. We just created a new app named purple. How many initContainers does it have?

#  k get pods 



6. What is the state of the POD?

# k describe pod purple

A) pending


7.How long after the creation of the POD will the application come up and be available to users?

# k describe pod purple

: sleep 600 -> 10분

: sleep 1200 -> 20분

: 이 합은 30분 


A) 30 minutes


8.Update the pod red to use an initContainer that uses the busybox image and sleeps for 20 seconds

Delete and re-create the pod if necessary. But make sure no other configurations change.

# k edit pod red
# k replace --force -f /tmp/ ~~~ 

A) okay 


9.A new application orange is deployed. There is something wrong with it. Identify and fix the issue.

Once fixed, wait for the application to run before checking solution.


# k get pods


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