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[cka] kodekloud-Multi Container PODS

by mozi2 2022. 6. 16.

1. Identify the number of containers created in the red pod.

# k get pods

A) 3


2.Identify the name of the containers running in the blue pod.

# k describe pods blue

 A) teal & navy


3. Create a multi-container pod with 2 containers. Use the spec given below.

If the pod goes into the crashloopbackoff then add the command sleep 1000 in the lemon container.

  • Name: yellow

  • Container 1 Name: lemon

  • Container 1 Image: busybox

  • Container 2 Name: gold

  • Container 2 Image: redis
# k run yellow --image=busybox --dry-run=client -o yaml > yellow.yaml
# vi yellow.yaml
# k apply -f yellow.yaml


4.We have deployed an application logging stack in the elastic-stack namespace. Inspect it.

Before proceeding with the next set of questions, please wait for all the pods in the elastic-stack namespace to be ready. This can take a few minutes.

# k get pods -n elastic-stack


5. Once the pod is in a ready state, inspect the Kibana UI using the link above your terminal.

 There shouldn't be any logs for now. We will configure a sidecar container for the application to send logs to Elastic Search.

NOTE: It can take a couple of minutes for the Kibana UI to be ready after the Kibana pod is ready.

You can inspect the Kibana logs by running:
kubectl -n elastic-stack logs kibana

A) ok


6.Inspect the app pod and identify the number of containers in it.

It is deployed in the elastic-stack namespace.

# k describe pod app -n elastic-stack

A) 1 


7.The application outputs logs to the file /log/app.log. View the logs and try to identify the user having issues with Login.

Inspect the log file inside the pod.

# kubectl log app -n elastic-stack   
  : 확인했으나 user5 에 lock 가 걸린걸 확인 할 수 있음
error)  USER5 Failed to Login as the account is locked due to MANY FAILED ATTEMPTS.

# kubectl -n elastic-stack exec -it app -- cat /log/app.log

A) User5


8.Edit the pod to add a sidecar container to send logs to Elastic Search. Mount the log volume to the sidecar container.

Only add a new container. Do not modify anything else. Use the spec provided below.

  • Name: app

  • Container Name: sidecar

  • Container Image: kodekloud/filebeat-configured

  • Volume Mount: log-volume

  • Mount Path: /var/log/event-simulator/

  • Existing Container Name: app

  • Existing Container Image: kodekloud/event-simulator
# k edit pod -n elastic-stack 
# k replace --force -f /tmp/kubectl-edit-4052131168.yaml

9.Inspect the Kibana UI. You should now see logs appearing in the Discover section.

You might have to wait for a couple of minutes for the logs to populate. You might have to create an index pattern to list the logs. If not sure check this video: https://bit.ly/2EXYdHf 


A) ok


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