1. How many StorageClasses exist in the cluster right now?
k get sc
2.How about now? How many Storage Classes exist in the cluster?
We just created a few new Storage Classes. Inspect them.
k get sc
A) 3
3. What is the name of the Storage Class that does not support dynamic volume provisioning?
k get sc
A) local-storage
4. What is the Volume Binding Mode used for this storage class (the one identified in the previous question)?
k describe sc local-storage
A) WaitForFirstConsumer
5. What is the Provisioner used for the storage class called portworx-io-priority-high?
k describe sc portworx-io-priority-high
A) portworx-volume
6. Is there a PersistentVolumeClaim that is consuming the PersistentVolume called local-pv?
k get pvc
7.Let's fix that. Create a new PersistentVolumeClaim by the name of local-pvc that should bind to the volume local-pv.
Inspect the pv local-pv for the specs.
PVC: local-pvc
Correct Access Mode?
Correct StorageClass Used?
PVC requests volume size = 500Mi?
vi local-pvc.yaml
k apply -f local-pvc.yaml
8. What is the status of the newly created Persistent Volume Claim?
k get pvc
A) pending
9.Why is the PVC in a pending state despite making a valid request to claim the volume called local-pv?
Inspect the PVC events.
kubectl describe pvc local-pvc
A) A Pod consuming the volume is not scheduled
10. The Storage Class called local-storage makes use of VolumeBindingMode set to WaitForFirstConsumer. This will delay the binding and provisioning of a PersistentVolume until a Pod using the PersistentVolumeClaim is created.
A) ok
11.Create a new pod called nginx with the image nginx:alpine. The Pod should make use of the PVC local-pvc and mount the volume at the path /var/www/html.
The PV local-pv should in a bound state.
Pod created with the correct Image?
Pod uses PVC called local-pvc?
local-pv bound?
nginx pod running?
- Volume mounted at the correct path?
k run nginx --image=nginx:alpine --dry-run=client -o yaml > nginx.yaml
vi nginx.yaml
k apply -f nginx.yaml
12.What is the status of the local-pvc Persistent Volume Claim now?
k get pvc local-pvc
A) Bound
13.Create a new Storage Class called delayed-volume-sc that makes use of the below specs:
provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
Storage Class uses: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner ?
- Storage Class volumeBindingMode set to WaitForFirstConsumer ?
A) ok
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