이번에는 Deployments 관련된 예제를 풀어보도록 하겠습니다.
1. How many PODs exist on the system?
# k get pods
A) 0
2. How many ReplicaSets exist on the system?
# k get rs
A) 0
3.How many Deployments exist on the system?
# k get deployments.apps
: deployments 의 약어는 ds
A) 0
4. How many Deployments exist on the system now?
# k get deployments.apps
5. How many ReplicaSets exist on the system now?
# k get rs
A) 1
6.How many PODs exist on the system now?
# k get pods
A) 4
7.Out of all the existing PODs, how many are ready?
: 위의 그림을 참조
A) 0
8.What is the image used to create the pods in the new deployment?
# k describe pods frontend-deployment-7fd8cdb696-9sjhl
A) busybox888
9.Why do you think the deployment is not ready?
# k describe pods frontend-deployment-7fd8cdb696-9sjhl
A) The image BUSYBOX888 doesn't exist.
10.Create a new Deployment using the deployment-definition-1.yaml file located at /root/.
There is an issue with the file, so try to fix it.
# vi deployment-definition-1.yaml
# k apply -f deployment-definition-1.yaml
# k get deployments.apps
11.Create a new Deployment with the below attributes using your own deployment definition file.
Name: httpd-frontend;
Replicas: 3;
Image: httpd:2.4-alpine
# vi test.yaml
# k apply -f test.yaml
# k get deployments.apps
: yaml 파일이 필요할때는 docs를 활용해서 만들어보자
: 실 시험에서도 docs를 활용하는 문제가 많으니 좋은 템플릿을 찾아서 필요한 부분만 수정해 사용하자
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