k8s문제풀이2 [cka] kodekloud-namespaces 이번에는 namespaces 관련된 문제를 풀어보자 1. How many Namespaces exist on the system? # k get ns A) 10 2. How many pods exist in the research namespace? # k get pods -n research A)2 3.Create a POD in the finance namespace. Use the spec given below. # k run redis --image=redis -n finance 4. Which namespace has the blue pod in it? # k get pods --all-namespaces 또는 # k get pods -all-namespaces | grep blue A) mar.. 2022. 6. 7. [cka]kodekloud-Deployments 이번에는 Deployments 관련된 예제를 풀어보도록 하겠습니다. 1. How many PODs exist on the system? # k get pods A) 0 2. How many ReplicaSets exist on the system? # k get rs A) 0 3.How many Deployments exist on the system? # k get deployments.apps : deployments 의 약어는 ds A) 0 4. How many Deployments exist on the system now? # k get deployments.apps 5. How many ReplicaSets exist on the system now? # k get rs A) 1 6.How m.. 2022. 6. 7. 이전 1 다음