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[NCP] server 생성하기 (OS) 서버를 만들어보기에 앞서, 클라우드에서 서버는 어떤의미인지 어떤 기능들이 있는지 간단하게 보면 좋을 것 같다. Q. 클라우드 상에서의 서버란? A. 클라우드 상에서 클라이언트(고객)에게 정보나 서비스를 제공하는 컴퓨터 시스템, 컴퓨터 프로그램이다. 1. NCP Server 의 기능 - init Script 기능 제공 - 공인 IP - 내 서버 imgae 기능 위와 같은 서비스를 제공한다. 2. 알고가면 좋은 것들 CPU, MEM 스펙에 따라 요금이 결정되며, 특이사항으로는, 공공기관용의 경우 Storage default 용량이 50GB 이다. 일반 민간 NCP Cloud 는 Storage default 용량이 100 GB 를 제공한다. * VPC 환경에서 만드는 방법입니다. 3. NCP 서버 생성하기 :.. 2022. 7. 4.
[cka] kodekloud-Network Policies 1.How many network policies do you see in the environment? We have deployed few web applications, services and network policies. Inspect the environment. k get networkpolicy k get netpol A) 1 2. What is the name of the Network Policy? A)payroll-policy 3.Which pod is the Network Policy applied on? A) payroll 4.What type of traffic is this Network Policy configured to handle? k describe networkpol.. 2022. 7. 1.
[cka]kodekloud-security contexts 1. What is the user used to execute the sleep process within the ubuntu-sleeper pod? In the current(default) namespace. kubectl exec ubuntu-sleeper -- whoami A) root 2.Edit the pod ubuntu-sleeper to run the sleep process with user ID 1010. Note: Only make the necessary changes. Do not modify the name or image of the pod Pod Name: ubuntu-sleeper Image Name: ubuntu SecurityContext: User 1010 k del.. 2022. 7. 1.
[cka]kodekloud-Image Security 1. What secret type must we choose for docker registry? kubectl create secret --help A) docker registry 2. We have an application running on our cluster. Let us explore it first. What image is the application using? kubectl get pods kubectl describe pods web-bd975bd87-nj92v A) nginx:alpine 3.We decided to use a modified version of the application from an internal private registry. Update the ima.. 2022. 6. 29.
[cka]kodekloud-service Accounts (마지막문제다시) 1. How many Service Accounts exist in the default namespace? k get serviceaccounts A) 1 2.What is the secret token used by the default service account? kubectl describe serviceaccount default A) default-token-kqhgp 3. We just deployed the Dashboard application. Inspect the deployment. What is the image used by the deployment? kubectl describe deployment A) gcr.io/kodekloud/customimage/my-kuberne.. 2022. 6. 29.
[cka] kodekloud-cluster Roles 1. For the first few questions of this lab, you would have to inspect the existing ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings that have been created in this cluster. : 이번 cluster Roles 에 대한 개요 설명 A) ok 2.How many ClusterRoles do you see defined in the cluster? k get clusterrole --no-header | wc -l A) 69 3. How many ClusterRoleBindings exist on the cluster? k get ClusterRoleBindings --no-headers | wc -.. 2022. 6. 28.