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[cka]kodekloud-secrets 1.How many Secrets exist on the system? in the current(default) namespace # k get secrets A) 1 2. How many secrets are defined in the default-token secret? : 위의 그림과 동일 A) 3 3. What is the type of the default-token secret? : 위의 그림과 동일 A) Kubernetes.io/service-account-token 4. Which of the following is not a secret data defined in default-token secret? : default-token 중 정의되지 않은 항목 즉 없는 항목 # k desc.. 2022. 6. 16.
[cka]kodekloud-Env Variables 1.How many PODs exist on the system? in the current(default) namespace # k get pods A) 1 2. What is the environment variable name set on the container in the pod? # k describe pod webapp-color A) APP_COLOR 3.What is the value set on the environment variable APP_COLOR on the container in the pod? : 같은 이미지A) pink 4.View the web application UI by clicking on the Webapp Color Tab above your terminal.. 2022. 6. 15.
[cka] kodekloud-commands and Arguments 1.How many PODs exist on the system? in the current(default) namespace # k get pods A) 1 2. What is the command used to run the pod ubuntu-sleeper? # k describe pods ubuntu-sleeper A) sleep 4800 3.Create a pod with the ubuntu image to run a container to sleep for 5000 seconds. Modify the file ubuntu-sleeper-2.yaml. Note: Only make the necessary changes. Do not modify the name. Pod Name: ubuntu-s.. 2022. 6. 15.
[cka]kodekloud-rolling update and rollbacks 1.We have deployed a simple web application. Inspect the PODs and the Services Wait for the application to fully deploy and view the application using the link called Webapp Portal above your terminal. # alias # k get pods 2.What is the current color of the web application? Access the Webapp Portal. A) Blue 3. Run the script named curl-test.sh to send multiple requests to test the web applicatio.. 2022. 6. 15.
[cka]kodekloud-Managing Application Logs 1. We have deployed a POD hosting an application. Inspect it. Wait for it to start. # k get pods 2.A user - USER5 - has expressed concerns accessing the application. Identify the cause of the issue. Inspect the logs of the POD # k logs webapp-1 3. We have deployed a new POD - webapp-2 - hosting an application. Inspect it. Wait for it to start. 4.A user is reporting issues while trying to purchas.. 2022. 6. 13.
[cka]kodekloud-Monitor Custer Components 1.We have deployed a few PODs running workloads. Inspect them. Wait for the pods to be ready before proceeding to the next question. # k get pods 2.Let us deploy metrics-server to monitor the PODs and Nodes. Pull the git repository for the deployment files. Run: git clone https://github.com/kodekloudhub/kubernetes-metrics-server.git 3.Deploy the metrics-server by creating all the components down.. 2022. 6. 13.