본문 바로가기

[cka]Network- Networking weave

by mozi2 2022. 8. 3.

1.How many Nodes are part of this cluster?

Including master and worker nodes

k get nodes

A) 2 

2. What is the Networking Solution used by this cluster?

cat cat /etc/cni/net.d/10-weave.conflist

A) weave


3.How many weave agents/peers are deployed in this cluster?

k get pods -A

A) 2


4. On which nodes are the weave peers present?

A) one on every noe=de


5. Identify the name of the bridge network/interface created by weave on each node

A) weave


6.What is the POD IP address range configured by weave?

k get pods -A -o wide

A) 10.x.x.x


7.What is the default gateway configured on the PODs scheduled on node01?

Try scheduling a pod on node01 and check ip route output

k run busybox --image=busybox - sleep 1000 --dry-run=client -o yaml > busybox.yaml
vi busy.yaml

nodeName: node01 
k create -f busybox.yaml
k get pods -o wide
k exec busybox -- route -n 
k exec busybox --ip route




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