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[cka]kodekloud-certificates API

by mozi2 2022. 6. 27.

1.A new member akshay joined our team. He requires access to our cluster. The Certificate Signing Request is at the /root location.  Inspect it


 지금 현 경로의 모든 파일을 확인 할 수 있고,  현재 akshy의 csr 파일을 확인 할 수 있음. 


2.Create a CertificateSigningRequest object with the name akshay with the contents of the akshay.csr file

As of kubernetes 1.19, the API to use for CSR is certificates.k8s.io/v1.

Please note that an additional field called signerName should also be added when creating CSR. For client authentication to the API server we will use the built-in signer kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client.

  • CSR akshay created

  • Right CSR is used

 : 문제가 중요한지 유무를 떠나 한번 공부해보면 좋을 것 같고, 

   구글링 해도 관련 자료가 많지 않아 상세적으로 작성해 봄. 

 cat akshay.csr | based64 | tr -d "\n"

CSR 의 request에는 base64 로 인코딩된 csr 파일 내용이 들어가야 함. 

vi csr.yaml

- yaml 파일을 만든다.

- 아래 URL : k8s docs를 참고해 yaml파일 만들기

- 문제 처럼 akshay의 이름을 넣어주고,

   Cat 명령어로 확인한 csr 파일을 spec 하위 request 에 넣어주기 




Certificate Signing Requests

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.19 [stable] The Certificates API enables automation of X.509 credential provisioning by providing a programmatic interface for clients of the Kubernetes API to request and obtain X.509 certificates from a Certificate Authority


k apply -f csr.yaml

 : 해당 파일을 만들어 적용하면 끝

 * 구글링이 먼저가 아니라 k8s docs 를 먼저 찾아볼것


3.What is the Condition of the newly created Certificate Signing Request object?

k get csr

A) pending


4. Approve the CSR Request

  • CSR Approved
kubectl certificate approve myuser

5.How many CSR requests are available on the cluster?

Including approved and pending

k get csr

A) 2 


6.During a routine check you realized that there is a new CSR request in place. What is the name of this request?

k get csr

A) agent-smith


7.Hmmm.. You are not aware of a request coming in. What groups is this CSR requesting access to?

Check the details about the request. Preferebly in YAML.

k get csr/agent-smith -o yaml

A) system:masters


8. That doesn't look very right. Reject that request.( 올바르게 확인이 안되 요청을 거절해라)

  • Request Denied
k certificate deny agent-smith

A) ok


9. Let's get rid of it. Delete the new CSR object

  • CSR agent-smith deleted
k delete csr agent-smith
k get csr 

A) ok
