본문 바로가기


by mozi2 2022. 6. 7.

이번에는 services 관련된 문제를 풀어보겠습니다. 


1. How many Services exist on the system?

# k get services

A) 1


2.That is a default service created by Kubernetes at launch.

A) ok 

 : 별 내용 없음


3.What is the type of the default kubernetes service?

# k get services

 : 위의 내용 참고


A) ClusterIP


4. What is the targetPort configured on the kubernetes service?

# k describe services kubernetes

A) 6443


5.How many labels are configured on the kubernetes service?

# k describe services kubernetes

 : 위의 그림 참조

A) 2


6. How many Endpoints are attached on the kubernetes service?

# k describe services kubernetes

 : 위의 그림 참조

A) 1


7.How many Deployments exist on the system now? in the current(default) namespace

# k get deployments.apps 

A) 1


8.What is the image used to create the pods in the deployment?

#  k describe pods simple-webapp-deployment-7b59598d59-fnx7h 

A) kodekloud/simple-webapp:red 


9.Are you able to accesss the Web App UI?

   Try to access the Web Application UI using the tab simple-webapp-ui above the terminal.

A) No


10.Create a new service to access the web application using the service-definition-1.yaml file

Name: webapp-service
Type: NodePort
targetPort: 8080
port: 8080
nodePort: 30080
name: simple-webapp
# vi service-definition-1.yaml
# k apply -f service-definition-1.yaml


11. Access the web application using the tab 'simple-webapp-ui' above the terminal window.

A) ok




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